In September communities across the country will join together for the Great Big Green Week. It will be the biggest event for climate and nature ever in the UK, and everyone’s invited!
Saffron Walden will be hosting a festival of events celebrating the environment and the natural world during the national Great Big Green Week 18th - 26th September.
As the UN conference on Climate Change in Glasgow draws near, join us to celebrate the delicate balance of nature and learn what we need to do to preserve it.
Extreme weather events and catastrophes around the world are getting increasingly common, with growing risks to human life.
What are the scientists telling us?
What do we need the politicians to do at COP 26?
What can we all do to give us a chance of survival?
Enjoy, Learn and Celebrate!
For more information visit
The Great Big Green Week Events in Saffron Walden
Saturday 18th September 2021
Eco Market The Common
Wishing Tree Market Place
Discover your Community Pub Railway Arms
Music in the Pub Railway Arms
Sunday 19th September
Climate Sunday Service URC Abbey Street
Permaculture in your Garden Shepherds Way
Nature at Noakes Open Day Noakes Grove
Biodiversity in your Garden Chaters Hill
Tuesday 21st September
Wildflowers and scything
in the churchyard St Mary’s Churchyard
Wednesday 22nd September
Adventure, Activism & COP 26 St Mary’s Parish Rooms
Thursday 23rd September
The Hedgehog Hospital at Shepreth Saffron Walden Town Hall
Friday 24th September
Eco Chat Railway Arms
Home Educated Children Open Day Noakes Grove
Sat 25th September
Forest School for children Ashdon Church
Apple Pressing Railway Arms
Meet your Councillors Railway Arms
More Music at the Pub Railway Arms
Sunday 26th September
Climate Sunday Service St Mary’s Parish Church
Woodland Management Hales Wood, Ashdon
For more information visit