About the Green Party in North West Essex


market 2024


The Green Party is growing fast. We are represented in Westminster and in a record number of local councils and with plans to dramatically expand our presence after this year’s elections.

People are increasingly aware of the Climate Crisis and of the failure of the government to take adequate action. They are aware of the grotesque divide between rich and poor, and the injustices endured by the Postmasters, the Infected Blood scandal, the Windrush and Hillsborough scandals and the Grenfell Tower victims. Ordinary people really don’t seem to matter to those in power and can be kept waiting indefinitely for compensation.

The  Green Party works to improve the lives of people and to protect our local environment.

Why should you vote Green in 2024?

  • Because you believe in our values and policies
  • Because you want to improve democracy in this country
  • Because you want to see long term leadership, rather than short termism
  • Because you want to see higher standards of integrity and selflessness in politics
  • Because you care about the future your children and grandchildren will face.

Time to be tactical

Our new government is going to need a passionate environmentalist who will hold their feet to the fire whenever they draft legislation that will result in a less inhabitable planet for us, our children and grandchildren.

Even if she wins, our current MP will be relegated to the opposition benches. But Labour has already abandoned its Climate pledges and we urgently need someone to call them out for that.

We can see how dramatically our weather patterns are changing. Farmers are struggling to cope. There is no time to be lost.

Polls indicate that the Labour Party will win a massive majority in the next Parliament.

What they will need is a Green MP who will hold their feet to the fire whenever they resort to short-term populism and fail to make the future of our children on this planet their top priority.

Vote for Edward Gildea on July 4th 2024

A fairer, healthier, more harmonious future for you, your children and grandchildren!



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